Monday, January 18, 2021

A Nasal Spray Discovered by Bangladeshi scientists to prevent Corona Virus | Covid 19

 A Nasal Spray Discovered by Bangladeshi scientists to prevent Corona Virus

Bangasafe Nasal Spray invented by a group of government scientists and health care professionals in Bangladesh. This is a nasal spray that reportedly kills coronavirus in the upper respiratory tract.The spray was developed by the researchers of Bangladesh Reference Institute for Chemical Measurements (BRICM) under the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.The virus (Covid 19) attacks through mouth, eyes and nose and stays in these organs for some time.

If sprayed after 3-4 hours, this solution can eliminate the virus in the nose, nasal cavity, oral cavity and those at the joint of respiratory digestive tracts. It can kill the virus in close contacts of COVID-19 patients and also reduce the viral load of the patients.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

‘Disease X’(Deadlier Than Ebola and Covid-19) will Become The Next Pandemic


‘Disease X’(Deadlier Than Ebola and Covid-19) will Become The Next Pandemic 

We are now in a world where new pathogens will come out.The scientists who helped discover the Ebola virus in 1976 has warned against an unknown and potentially fatal virus called 'Disease X’.Professor Jean-Jacques Muyembe Tamfum, the scientist who discovered ‘Ebola’ warned that a deadly viruses will hit mankind as he fears Disease X which could be as fast-spreading as the COVID-19, and as deadly as the Ebola virus.The letter ‘X’ means unexpected,explained Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.'Disease X' is hypothetical for now, an outbreak that scientists and doctors fear could lead to serious disease around the world.

Muyembe's statement comes on the heels of a patient being infected by a pathogen that has not yet been identified but had symptoms similar to Ebola.In a remote village in the Congo,Last month a woman showed early signs of hemorrhagic fever. Her samples were tested for Ebola and other diseases with similar symptoms. All came back negative making the disease which affected the woman a mystery. Scientists speculated if she could be the patient zero of ‘Disease X’ the first known infection of a new pathogen that, researchers say could be more contagious than the Covid-19 and with Ebola's 50 percent to 90 percent fatality rate.This is very dangerous for human being.The World Health Organisation (WHO) published their global plan for accelerating research and development during health emergencies and also included "Disease X" in its '2018 R&D Blueprint'. The 2018 R&D Blueprint prioritized 9 diseases for R&D which consists of Covid-19, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, Ebola virus disease and Marburg virus disease, Lassa fever, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Nipah and henipaviral disease, Rift Valley fever, Zika and the latest addition “Disease X”. All these diseases lack an effective drug or vaccine.

Friday, December 11, 2020

How much damage can a 5G network do to the human body?

How much damage can a 5G network do to the human body?

5G Technology

The Internet is a very popular medium today. There is no one in the world who has never heard of the Internet. With the increasing trend of age, today's internet is now being considered as the main tool of people's entertainment. Gradually the Internet has been converted to 2G, 3G, and 4G. Currently, the most modern internet is the 5G internet system. People will get 100 times more facilities on the 5G network than the 4G network. Through which the internet system will be revolutionized. On the one hand, This Five-G network is shining a light of hope, on the other hand, many harmful aspects of it have been exposed to human society. Many speculate that the Five-G network emits a type of harmful radiation that can cause other brain diseases, including harmful cancers in the human body. Many environmentalists say that its radiation disrupts the life and reproduction of birds. Many physicists and cancer researchers claim that the wavelength of Five-G technology is non-ionizing. We know that ionizing wavelengths are short and their frequencies are much higher. Which sows seed other diseases in the human body, including cancer. On the other hand, the wavelength of non-ionizing is much longer and frequencies are much shorter. Which is safe for the human body in many ways. Since the 5G network is non-ionizing, there is no question of it being harmful to the human body. So people can use it safely.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

American Scientists claim to have invented the method of making artificial rain

 American Scientists claim to have invented the method of making artificial rain

Artifacial Rain
Artificial Rain

Water is another name for life. No living thing can survive without water. Just as water is needed to quench thirst in extreme heat, so too is water needed for cultivation. Well, what if you could send rain when you wanted? Yes, you heard that right. The US research team is going to make this impossible possible. A team of U.S. researchers has claimed that they have discovered a way to create artificial rain. They say that all matter on Earth is made up of atoms and molecules.

 He hopes to be able to create thunderstorms and rainstorms by projecting intense laser beams to warm the nuclei inside the cloud. Researchers at the University of Arizona in the United States have found that statically charged particles in clouds are associated with water density and lightning. With the help of special laser rays, it is possible to cause precipitation by stimulating the particles and causing precipitation. Therefore, US scientists are hopeful that artificial rain will be possible if it ever needs rain in the future. As a result of this unimaginable discovery, the human race has been able to control the weather to some extent. But in reality, it remains to be seen how much mankind can benefit by bringing rain through this technology.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Strange Monoliths Appearing Around the World

 Strange Monoliths Appearing Around the World !


A silver pillar was suddenly found in the heart of the dry desert. Who placed this pillar in the heart of this desert without people? It suddenly disappears before anything is understood and reappears from the other end of the earth. 

Yes, that's right you can now become known as a Lord of the Rings. On November 18 this year, the first such metal monolith was found in the Red Rock County Desert in the state of Utra in the United States. A few days ago, such a metal pillar was found in the mountains of the county area of ​​the Romanian city of Pietranint in Europe, but it too disappeared in just three days. Although an investigation has been started into the matter, it has not been possible to unravel any mystery so far. A group of people think that it is a cosmic object and many people think that it is an alien creature. However, many have searched and said that a movie released on April 2, 1968, whose name is similar to (2001: A Space Odyssey). Now it remains to be seen from which part of the world this pillar comes out again after Europe !!

Monday, December 7, 2020

China Has Launched the World's First 6G Satellite


China Has Launched the World's First 6G Satellite

World's first 6G satellite launched by china On November 6, They successfully launched a Long March 6 rocket and sent a payload of 13 satellites into orbit.The satellite uses Terahertz waves that could send data at speeds several times faster than 5G.Terahertz communication is one of the key technologies in the development of sixth-generation networking system. It went Into Orbit Along With 12 Other Satellites From the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center from the Shanxi Province.The satellite, known as Tianyan-5, is a remote-sensing satellite jointly developed by the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu Guoxing Aerospace Technology, and Beijing Weina Xingkong Technology.Tianyan-5 launched aboard the Chinese-built rocket with Earth-observing satellites from the Argentinian company Satellogic.In a sun-synchronous orbit, the satellites will provide high-resolution images covering 1.5 million square miles (4 square kilometers) a day with high enough resolution to discern individual trees in a forest. 

The satellite could help stop illegal-logging in forests and manage crop disasters.It involves use of high-frequency terahertz waves to achieve data-transmission speeds many times faster than 5G is likely to be capable of.Terahertz waves, which are submillimeter waves sitting between microwave and infrared light on the electromagnetic spectrum, have been used to achieve data rates greater than 100-Gbps. Unfortunately, Terahertz waves share an Achilles’ Heel with the millimeter waves used in 5G(FIFTH GENERATION). Water vapor in Earth’s atmosphere is a strong absorber of Terahertz radiation, limiting the range of THz applications. The same issue continues to slow the widespread development of 5G, and will likely hinder the rollout of 6G if it uses Terahertz waves.The telecoms industry is still several years away from agreeing on 6G's specifications, so it is not yet certain the tech being trialled will make it into the final standard.

Sunday, September 13, 2020



In fairy tales, Spanish conquerors would wander the depths of the Amazon jungle in search of gold, telling everyone the story of the boiling river.  Today, however, Andra Rujuo, a Peruvian geologist, has confirmed the myth. 

So it would not be wrong to call him 'Rupakatha Jayi'.  One such strange river has been found in the depths of the Amazon jungle.  The water of this river is very hot.  The local name of this river is 'Sanay Timpiska' which means boiling in the heat of the sun. 

 The Boiling water is flowing in this river, from which smoke is constantly rising.  This river is about 5 Kilometers long, 25 meters wide and 6 meters deep.  River water temperature 86 ° C.  Usually the presence of hot lava in the vicinity of the volcano can cause the river water to heat up.  The most surprising thing, however, is that there are no volcanoes in the Amazon jungle.  So now the question is where did this hot water come from?  And that's the surprise.But scientists say that warm-springs may be the reason for the boiling river.  There are varying at different spots which is full of hot water.  When they reached near the muds then the water becomes boiled.  Stay away from swimming in this river, if any animal falls by mistake then death is certain. 

If you put an egg in this water, it will be cooked.  The residents of a nearby village use the water of this river for poetic purposes.